
Grandma’s Secret: Preserving Grape Leaves for Two Years

Grape leaves are a versatile and delicious ingredient used in many Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes. Preserving them ensures you have a supply on hand year-round, ready for making dishes like dolmas or stuffing with your favorite fillings. Here’s a simple, time-tested method to preserve grape leaves for up to two years.


  • Fresh grape leaves (picked before they become too tough)
  • Coarse salt
  • Water
  • Glass jars with tight-fitting lids


  1. Harvesting and Preparing the Leaves:
    • Pick grape leaves early in the morning when they are fresh and tender. Choose leaves that are free from damage and around the size of your hand.
    • Rinse the leaves thoroughly under cold water to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Blanching the Leaves:
    • Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Submerge the grape leaves in the boiling water for about 30 seconds, just until they turn bright green.
    • Immediately transfer the blanched leaves to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process. Once cooled, drain the leaves and pat them dry with a clean towel.
  3. Salting and Stacking:
    • Lay a grape leaf flat on a clean surface and sprinkle a pinch of coarse salt evenly over it.
    • Place another leaf on top of the first one, sprinkle with salt, and continue layering the leaves in this manner until all leaves are used.
  4. Packing the Jars:
    • Roll the stack of leaves into a tight bundle and place it in a clean glass jar.
    • Repeat the process, creating additional bundles if necessary, and packing them tightly into the jars.
    • Fill the jar with water, making sure the leaves are completely submerged. If necessary, place a small weight on top of the leaves to keep them under the water.
  5. Sealing and Storing:
    • Seal the jars with tight-fitting lids. Store the jars in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cellar.
    • For best results, allow the leaves to sit for at least one month before using. The leaves can be stored this way for up to two years.

Tips for Using Preserved Grape Leaves:

  • Rinse the leaves under cold water before using to remove excess salt.
  • Use preserved grape leaves in recipes just as you would fresh ones. They are perfect for making stuffed grape leaves, also known as dolmas, or for wrapping around meats and vegetables.

With this method, you’ll have a delicious supply of grape leaves ready for your culinary creations. Enjoy the rich, tangy flavor they bring to your dishes, just like Grandma used to make!



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